The 20 lakh people who are depending on the STD/PCO business in the country. A initiative step by the Confederation of All India PCO Franchisee Association expects the new technology Vido calling to give a new lease of life to PCO holders who are totally dependent on STD/PCO business with affordable rates at nearby PCO booth.
As mobile penetration deepened and Telecom tariff fell, the STD/PCOs soon found their business plummeting.
Earlier every STD/PCO owner used to earn around Rs1,000 per day but now the income is just Rs100.
But with the 3G all likely to change and business of STDPCO holder may improve better.
The STD/PCO owners will provide video calling facility at an affordable rate of Rs2 per minute.
BSNL With the partners Ahmedabad-based Sai Infosystem Ltd (SIS) tied up for this venture.
The facility will be launched in last week of August or first early weeks of September, said Sunil Kakkad, CMD of SIS.
There are more than 15.70 lakh STD/PCOs in the country and SIS expects to provide this new facility to around 10 lakh STD/PCOs within a year, and expects a business of around Rs1,000 crore with the introduction of this technology.
This technology of new video calling facility will be useful in the field of Tele-medicine, Tele-education, video help lines among others.
The price SIS is seeking for the device is too exorbitant..It is better to acquire a computer available for 8-10k and can be alternatively used as a cyber cafe also.